
Become TESOL certified and teach anywhere in the World

In a short amount of time you can obtain a TESOL – Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages certification. This diploma is a “seal of quality” for whoever wants to teach English and is valid in all countries.

ROYAL SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES is the representative of Global TESOL College, the institution which certifies the skills for English language teaching.

TESOL – Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages – is a term normally associated with English Language Teaching and the Certification Process of English Teachers. It refers to the teaching and learning of English, locally and internationally.


“TESOL helped me to understand how to teach something that for me was normal and natural (my language). I learned a lot.”
Teacher training, Suzy
“It was without a doubt one of the best decisions of my life to have gotten my TESOL.”
Getting my TESOL Certification was perfect, Teacher training, Ryan, Providence, Rhode Island, USA


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